Current Affairs In English –04 & 05 June 2021
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For May 2021 Current Affairs MCQs, Please Visit:

1. A Model Panchayat Citizens Charter
2. SAGE (Senior care Ageing Growth Engine)
3. “Hisab Ki Kitaab”
4. Bamboo Market Page on Govt e-Marketplace (GeM) portal
5. Bi-monthly monetary policy
6. India clears project to build 6 high-tech submarines
7. Three new caves discovered in the Trirashmi Buddhist cave
8. IIT Hyderabad develops nano-fibre technology based oral tablets
9. Asia–Pacific Green Airports recognition
10. China launches new meteorological satellite
Special days
11. World Environment Day
12. Former Mauritius PM Anerood Jugnauth dies at 91

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